‘Live’ and death

In the last 24 hours, we have been exposed to yet another gun incident. This time, it involved a reporter and photographer, live on television.

As of this writing, the individual who killed two individuals from WDBJ-TV in Roanoke, Va. also died from a self-inflicted gunshot. His Twitter account where he made several posts after the shooting has since been deactivated – but not before his video made its way across the Internet, shocking us all as we scrolled through our news feed.

This incident will no doubt spark more debate on gun control. Legislators will surely try to blame this tragedy on failed processes in some way.

Many people want to know how we can “prevent this from happening again?” No matter what answer you try to come up with, all we can do is being cognizant of our surroundings.

Throughout history, journalists and photographers trying to get their “scoop” have often been in harms way. This incident is a sad reminder that as a journalist, there will always be an element of risk.